The secretary of defense shall establish a competitive. Public law 114 92 national defense authorization act for fiscal. National defense authorization act ndaa for fiscal year 2016. Nov 25, 2015 an act to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for military activities of the department of defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the department of energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes. It does not provide budget authority, which is provided in. An act to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for military activities of the department of defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the department of energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes. It does not provide budget authority, which is provided in subsequent appropriations legislation. To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for military activities of the department of defense. The department will combine the information in this report with additional material in order to create a report that. Frequently asked questions regarding section 76 of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2020. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2015. Memorandum on the delegation of functions and authorities under section 1260j of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2020. This bill authorizes fy2020 appropriations and sets forth policies for department of defense dod programs and activities, including military personnel strengths. Mar 18, 2016 by the authority vested in me as president by the constitution and the laws of the united states of america, including section 301 of title 3, united states code, i hereby delegate the functions and authorities vested in the president by section 39a and b of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2016 public law 11492.
Defense advisory committee on investigations, prosecution. The national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2016, public law 11492, signed into law november 25, 2015, authorized the uniformed services 1 to change their traditional retirement plan from one that relied primarily on a cliffvested defined benefit to one that blends a reduced defined benefit with enhanced thrift savings plan tsp. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2017 law also authorizes department of energy. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 1994. Payrelated legislative changes in the national defense. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2016 fy16. At almost 1,000 pages long it will direct funding for procurement, research, and operation of defense technology, establish military policy, and address other matters pertaining to national defense. Pay and leaverelated legislative changes in the national. Fy 2015 national defense authorization act united states. Section 5323u limits the use of federal transit administration fta funds. Ike skelton national defense authorization act ndaa for fiscal year 2011 public law 1183, 10 u. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2020 public law 11692 division fother matters title lxxisanctions with respect to north korea sec.
Title viii, subtitle d, federal information technology acquisition reform act fitara sec. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 1993. An act to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for military activities of the department of defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the. Acquisition, sep 0 3 2016 under secretary of defense for. Senate committee on armed services completes markup of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2015. Section 1263 of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2015 public law 1. By the authority vested in me as president by the constitution and the laws of the united states of america, including section 301 of title 3, united states code, i hereby delegate the functions and authorities vested in the president by section 39a and b of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2016 public law 11492. Public law 114 92 national defense authorization act.
At over 1,000 pages long it will appropriate funding for procurement, research, and operation of defense technology, establish military policy, and address other matters pertaining to national defense. Nov 05, 2015 secretary of defense under section 3b2a of the carl levin and howard p. The national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2017 h. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2007 public law 109364. The funds shall be available to the secretary of defense, in coordination with the secretary of state, to provide assistance, including training. This title may be cited as the otto warmbier north korea nuclear sanctions and enforcement act of 2019.
The secretary of defense, pursuant to section 546 of the carl levin and howard p. Section 809 of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2016 public law 11492, as amended by section 863d of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2017 public law 114328, provides. Department of defense report for section 1003 of the national. Authority of special victims counsel to provide legal consultation and assistance. Section 1263 of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2015 public law 1 291. Fiscal year 2015 national defense authorization regarding refinancing of pacific coast groundfish fishing capacity reduction loan. The national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2016 is a comprehensive defense spending bill. Smart book military justice branch 3 december 2015. Sections 1112 and 11 of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2016 public law 11492.
The ukraine security assistance initiative was created by congress in the fiscal year 2016 national defense authorization act. Title ixdepartment of defense organization and management subtitle aoffice of the secretary of defense and related matters sec. Fiscal year 2016 presidents budget under secretary of. Authorizations are typically made for single fiscal years october 1 through september 30 of the next year but are often renewed in subsequent law. Memorandum on the delegation of functions and authorities. Ukraine security assistance initiative security assistance. Ike skelton national defense authorization act ndaa for.
National defense authorization act for fiscal years 1992 and 1993. Public availability of records of certain proceedings under the uni. Defense authorization act for fiscal year fy 2016 public law 11492. Department of defense report for section 1003 of the. For fiscal year 2017 on december 23, 2016, the president signed s. Secretary of defense under section 3b2a of the carl levin and howard p. Presidential memorandum delegation of authority pursuant. The secretary of defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees, concurrent with the. Annual and semiannual congressional reporting requirements section 1412 of the national defense authorization act, 1986 public law 99145, as amended by the ike skelton national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2011 public law 1183, requires the submission to congress of an annual report by dec. Frequently asked questions regarding section 76 of the. Buck mckeon national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2015 fy 2015 ndaa public law 1291, as modified by section 537 of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2016 public law 11492, and in accordance with the provisions of the federal advisory committee act faca of. Buck mckean national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2015 public law 1291. Informational materials and forms will be updated as needed. Mac thornberry rtx, and was referred to the committee on armed services, which ordered the bill reported, as amended.
Reporting of balances carried forward by the department of defense at the end of each fiscal year. One, a reference to a public law number, is a link to the bill as it was originally passed by congress, and will take you to the lrc thomas legislative system, or gpo fdsys site. This section would also make a conforming amendment to section 3b2a by striking 36 and inserting 18. Dec 15, 2016 annual and semiannual congressional reporting requirements section 1412 of the national defense authorization act, 1986 public law 99145, as amended by the ike skelton national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2011 public law 1183, requires the submission to congress of an annual report by dec.
Delegation of authority pursuant to section 39a and b. Public law 11184, national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2010, section 2835, october 28, 2009, designates the department of defense inspector general as the chairperson of the interagency. The law includes a number of provisions related to leave and personnel actions. Agreed to by record vote of 240186, on wednesday, may, 2015. A the final report of the congressional advisory panel on the governance of the nuclear security enterprise established by section 3166 of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 20 public law 112239. Section 1105 extends to calendar year 2020 the authority provided in section 1101 of the duncan hunter national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2009 public law 110417, october 14, 2008, as amended, for the head of an agency to waive the normally applicable premium pay cap established in 5 u. Section 809 of the national defense authorization act for. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2020. Mar 17, 2020 section 1105 extends to calendar year 2020 the authority provided in section 1101 of the duncan hunter national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2009 public law 110417, october 14, 2008, as amended, for the head of an agency to waive the normally applicable premium pay cap established in 5 u. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2017. On wednesday, may, 2015, the house will begin consideration of h.
The department must be audit ready by 2017 and owns more than 80. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2016 wikipedia. National defense authorization act ndaa for fiscal year. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2016. Section 76 of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2020 ndaa 2020, pub. Effective january 1, 2016, section 1108 extends to calendar year 2016 the authority provided in section 1101 of the duncan hunter national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2009 public law 110417, october 14, 2008, as amended, for the head of an agency to waive the normally applicable premium pay cap established in 5 u. Public law 114 92 national defense authorization act for. We are doing further analysis related to the effects of these changes. National defense authorization act for fiscal year 2015 ndaa 2015 public law 1291 sec. National defense authorization act for fiscal year.
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